we provide in depath Practical and industry need based IT Training of various modren technologies like PHP, ASP.NET, ANDROID, JAVA, PhoneGap, Bootstreap and CSS to the enrolled candidate, we use modren teching methdology for delivering knowldge and skill to student
We are committed to deliver high quality and industrial Training to our students which help them to achieve remarkable growth in career. We proudly say that we are expert Web Site Design, PHP, Android & Java and NET. Training, Training & Framework Training.
We take care to our student’s progress by providing micro, mini and large projects with real life scenarios and insights. Our materials are easy to understand and invoke deep interest in subject
WebDesign, PHP, Android, IOS, JAVA, ASP.NET, PhoneGap, BootStrap, AngularJS, Framework like CakePHP, Laravel & CMS Like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Prestashop and many more
Our courses are designed to fulfill multiple purposes. We have designed courses which help student to complete their academic projects, get best placement in Multinational/National Leading IT companies, to launch their web sites/ web application/ android & IOS application through which they can earn minimum 10,000 Rs Extra every month apart from their salary. Most of the student enrolled in our various courses achieves these objective very easily in short period of joining the course.
we use Modren and Scientific teaching Method to deliver lecture in class room.we are equppied with LCD Project and sound system, white board, high configuration computer with multiple high speed internet connection. our class room are specious, student friendly. we create healty atomsphere in class room to encourage student to ask their dought & question.
To nourish our student's learning process, every season we organize education tour at various places. and we also entertain them with picnic to let them enjoy them with thier colleges. we are also determined to arrange campus interview of the student at our place in future.
we are team of passionate, Experience & Sincere educators and developers
The EasyLearn Academy is one of the Best IT Training provider. We have successfully trained and placed 200+ IT students. We provide in depth Practical Training with supplementary reading materials and learning resources to student. . We have developed unique and effective method for lecture delivery, providing solution of problems.
We not only provide IT training to only students but also provide
training to employee of Multinational Company. We do offshore work
for our valued client who spanned their business across the entire
world. Our solutions are best in standards and developed according
to international software development practices and using modern
We never compromise with quality and do provide the solution to
our client in timely manner.
we provide training of courses listed below